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Please print name and address
Please help Gateway of Hope House of Restoration reach out to the women who need stability in their lives. 
Help us build a home where women can renew their lives in a caring home where everything will be provided for. Your tax-deductible gift will also help provide much needed services for women who need help in their great time of need.

To receive updates on how your gifts are at work in for Gateway of Hope House of Restoration, please provide your email address or your address.



Your tax-deductible gift will help us provide for the needs of all the women who come to stay at 
Gateway of Hope House of Restoration!

Your Partnership will help us provide women with counseling services, art group materials, books, clothes, sheets and toiletries, food and beverages and much more. 

Remember all donations are tax-deductible as allowed by law. Thank you for your generosity!

For a gift of $10.00 or more you will receive a short, short story call the Journey.

Join us in helping women to reclaim their lives!

I would like to donate:

$15.00 a Month ______$25.00 a Month ______$50.00 a Month ______

For those who can afford more:

$100.00 a Month _____$200.00 a Month _____$300.00 a Month _____

$400.00 a Month _____$500.00 a Month _____$1000.00 a Month ____

I would like to donate: 

A one time gift of $__________ a Month gift of: $___________

Make Check Payable to:

Gateway of Hope House of Restoration (If the full name does not fit put... Gateway of Hope House)

And mail to: 

Gateway of Hope House of Restoration
P.O. Box 175
Buchanan, N.Y. 10511.

All your personal information is kept confidential!
Gateway of Hope House of Restoration
Printable Application
Help Us Build a Healing Place for Women!
Thank You For Your 
Generosity Donation
I have enclosed a check or money order payable to:
Gateway of Hope House.
I understand that my donation is tax deductible

My gift is:
In memory of:


To honor:


If you would like us to send an honoree acknowledgment, please include name and address here. (Please print)


